Monday, June 23, 2008

Last Weekend

So the weekend before last, i went out with all my older cousins...which was really fun. We went to a club called Josephine's..and one of my cousin's is the owner, so he hooked us up, got us a table and we were VIP all night.. great music...really pretty place. Cant wait to go back :)

I just wanted to post a couple pix up for your enjoyment:

*My top matched the walls

*Nader (he's awesome)

*Me and Maro (she loves me lol)

*The guys

*Me and Romance

*Our table

The next day, me and Lamia (my cousin) went out for some r&r. Got our nails done, brows done, etc...lunch, times :) Her house is gorgeous. And she's super fun to go out with.
And that night, i went to a grad party with my aunt and uncle. Slept over at their house. and my cousin Lina took me shopping the next day... Ok seriously, the H&M and Forever 21's here are SOOOO much better than in SoCal. Bought great summer stuff. But ya, i just wanted to post some pictures from the club.
The End.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahaha i thought that was Lamia. hahaha even mailan asked me if that was her and i told her that it was. hahaha mom was the one who told me that it wasnt her and that it was her cousin's wife. I thought you called Lamia romance as in love lol