Sunday, May 25, 2008


So i finally started packing this weekend. Mailan came over Saturday after work (i'm taking a leave of absense so i wont be back to work until August) and she helped me sort through my clothes... wow, i never realized how difficult it was to pack! Like, i have always been a heavy packer and i like to take a bunch of clothes "Just in case," but i cant do that this time.. i need to make the most of everything i take with me for the 2 months. Basically, Mailan helped me decide what clothes to take to DC and what i can live without... at first, both my bags were stuffed! But we went through them again and removed a bunch of things.. (so to the people in DC, if u see me wear a few outfits several times, its cuz i left half my closet in OC).

The bag on the left is my going out/every day/summer clothes..the bag on the right is my work clothes. All i have left to pack is makeup, hair stuff, bathroom toiletries, jewlery, and little things. I am also taking a small duffle bag as a carry on. I'll probably put my laptop, a few movies, and books in there. I'll use that bag for little weekend trips hopefully :)

Here are a few more pictures of my room, my suitcases, how empty my closet looks now, and the thing in my room i'll miss most.... (my luke walton autographed jersey) - i will TOTALLY miss having that next to my bed.

P.S. I met up with my roommates, Nicole and Lizelle, at Spectrum today. We discussed what we will need for our room in DC and talked about what we want to do this summer. I'm excited to live with them :)

P.P.S. An extra special thanksss to Fati for coming to visit me today <3 Her and her buddy Nargie drove up from SD to have lunch with me, mailan, and z at cheesecake factory


Anonymous said...

Your closet looks different in pictures... Packing was an adventure...

Love yoU!

Sara said...

lol thanks for helping!!

hopefully i have enough clothes for the whole time im there...


love u too!!

Anonymous said...

"Sure got a lot of baggage." - Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. HAHHAHAHAAHAH!!
-Your friend from the citi.

Anonymous said...


Sara said...

i havent seen that movie!

but yesss, it was difficult to decide what would go with me and what i would leave behind :(

ughh, im gonna miss my egg white veggie omellete, no cheese, wheat toast, and spuds. LOL

and my plain bagels with cream cheese, and tomoato and cheddar cheese on the side.

(I know u always LOVED my food orders LOL)