Tuesday, May 20, 2008


So i finally booked an internship today. The group that i will be working for is a grassroots organization that promotes women in the political field.

They strive to increase "participation in the political process and creating a true women's political power base to achieve equality for all women. The [organization] recruits, trains and supports pro-choice women candidates for elected and appointed offices at all levels of government regardless of party affiliation"

It seems like a great organization b/c they support Hillary (and for those of you who have seen my myspace/facebook, you knowww i am a hillary supporter), and they basically want to increase the number of women in congress, the senate, and in political office. So if i ever decide to run for office, i'll have this group behind me :) lol

So ya, i should be working 4-5 days a week, 9:30-5pm. Business casual, so i dont think ill be wearing suits (thank god). And taking a class one night a week at GWU.

I've already met my roommates and both of them seem awesome. I'm excited to live with them. I hope to do a lot of traveling and a lot of site seeing.

I leave next Thursday... yikes!!

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